How VLM Carpet Cleaners Handle Pet Stains On Carpet

vlm carpet cleaning buffer dirty carpet

Dear VLM enthusiast,

If you’re going to start a carpet cleaning business, you’re going to run into pet messes. Guaranteed.

One of the biggest reasons customers will hire you: the dog/cat peed on the floor.

“Whoops! Call the carpet cleaner.”

Relax… this is exactly what will put $$$ in your pocket! If you know how to handle those pet jobs when they come along…

Lucky for you, I’m here to help.

For pet messes, I highly recommend Nature’s Miracle Advanced formula. Especially for new carpet cleaners.

Here’s why:
-Nature’s Miracle Advanced comes in a dog or cat formula, so you can pick the one you need for the job
-It gets great results and smells nice
-It’s easy to use (no mixing required!). Just pour it on the spot and let it sit for 15-30 minutes)

There are plenty of other pet treatments available on the market, but Nature’s Miracle is always where I tell people to start.

Now… can you pour Nature’s Miracle on the “pet spot” and walk away? Yes, but I don’t always recommend it.

You should try to “extract” the spot, if possible.

Consider buying a small portable extractor (like this one) and keeping it in your van, car, or whatever you drive to carpet cleaning jobs. Click here to buy a portable extractor now.

Steam cleaners have a big extractor and use it as their main cleaning method.

VLM cleaners often keep a small extractor on hand, in case of pet spots.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Pour Nature’s Miracle on the spot. Let sit for 15-30 minutes
  2. Extract or “suck out” the Nature’s Miracle using your portable extractor
  3. Spray fresh water or cleaning solution into the spot to “rinse” it out

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

The VLM Guy

P.S. Two more quick tips about pet treatment:
-Make sure you tell customers “the pet spots will take longer to dry” (trust me, you need to tell them or they’ll get upset that the carpet didn’t dry quickly!)
-Make sure you charge extra for pet treatment. Do not give this away for free under any circumstances. Pet treatment will be one of your biggest money makers in the carpet cleaning business. It will pay back the cost of a portable extractor very quickly!


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