How Do You Clean Carpets Without Suction Or Steam? (Hint: It Spins In Circles…) - Learn How To Start A VLM Carpet Cleaning Business

Dear VLM enthusiast,

At this point, you might be wondering “what’s the big difference between VLM and steam cleaning?”

Well, they are really just 2 different methods of carpet cleaning… but they use completely different equipment.

The biggest difference: VLM cleaners use a floor buffer.

If you’ve ever seen somebody clean carpets, chances are you saw them perform a “steam cleaning” job.

Steam cleaning involves a truckmount or portable machine that sprays hot, high pressure water into the carpet… and then sucks it back out with a “wand.” << this is NOT what I recommend

Low moisture cleaners spray a cleaning solution onto the carpet, then run a “floor buffer” or “floor machine” over the surface. The buffers scrubs the cleaning solution into the carpet fibers and cleans the carpet. << this is what I DO recommend.

By the way, there is a hidden benefit to doing VLM vs steam cleaning…

Do you know what it is?

Hint: truckmount steam cleaners can only reach as far as their hoses can reach!

That’s right – a steam cleaner has to run hoses from their van to their customer’s home. That’s fine if they can park in the driveway.

But what about apartment buildings? What about the 6th floor? What about downtown properties where parking is scarce? What about…

There are so many situations where steam cleaners can’t use their big, fancy truckmounts.

That’s a big advantage to you, the VLM cleaner, because you can bring your floor buffer anywhere. Heck, I’ve cleaned on the 26th floor many times!

Use that competitive advantage. Go after apartment buildings as clients. That’s a great place for new cleaners to get started anyways.

If you want to clean for commercial clients, VLM is a perfect match. You can clean any building, even the top floor, and the carpet will dry in about 1-2 hours! A steam cleaner will leave the carpet wet for 8+ hours. How many offices or businesses want to shut down for an entire day to let the carpets dry? (Hint: none!)

VLM carpet cleaning is a big money maker. And most carpet cleaners are too busy saving up for their $20,000 truckmount to realize VLM is taking over!

Okay… obviously if you want to start a VLM carpet cleaning business, you’re going to need a floor buffer.

Luckily, Oreck makes a 12” orbital buffer for under $400. You can find it here.

The Oreck Orbiter is the perfect machine to start your VLM carpet cleaning business because:

  1. It has a powerful motor that will get professional results
  2. It can be used to clean stairs and tight spaces!
  3. It has a warranty, so you don’t need to worry about it breaking down right away

Over the last few years, I’ve watched hundreds of people start carpet cleaning businesses with the Oreck Orbiter buffer. That’s why I know it will work for you, too.

Click here to get an Oreck Orbiter now.

Talk soon,
The VLM Guy

P.S. – If you have a bigger budget and want to get started on the right foot, consider upgrading to a 17” floor buffer like this one. This machine is much larger, but it will get you better results and cover more space quickly. Plus a bigger buffer makes you look more professional

P.P.S. – Even if you get the 17” floor buffer, you should consider buying the Oreck Orbiter, too. Remember how I said you can use it for stairs? Imagine having 1 technician cleaning stairs while the other cleans rooms and hallways. Twice the productivity!


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