Here’s Why I Love The Oreck Orbiter Floor Buffer For VLM Carpet Cleaning

vlm carpet cleaning oreck stair buffer

Hey, it’s me again. The VLM Guy.

If you’re going to start a carpet cleaning business, you need a reliable floor buffer. That’s why I love the Oreck Orbiter.

Still on the fence about this buffer? Let me give you 3 reasons to buy one right now:

  1. The Oreck is technically not a buffer. It’s an orbital machine. That means the Oreck Orbiter spins in circles and oscillates on its axis at the same time. That sounds pretty fancy, right? Well… it’ll get the carpets cleaner too!
  2. The Orbiter is under $500. In fact, you can usually find them for under $350 if you look hard enough. That’s a low price for a powerful tool that can help you start a very profitable business
  3. The Oreck Orbiter has a warranty. Depending on which model you buy, you’ll get a warranty between 1-10 years long. If your machine burns out (it will happen eventually, but probably not for a long time!), Oreck will replace the motor for you. That’s a big savings and nice peace of mind for any carpet cleaner

Go out and grab an Oreck. It’s the perfect buffer to get started with VLM.

And when you’re ready to upgrade to a larger buffer, try a 17” buffer like this one.

Next time we chat, I’ll tell you about another important piece of equipment you’ll need for your new business.

The VLM Guy

P.S. – Reminder, my new VLM video tutorial is coming soon! Click here to join the waitlist.

If you want to learn how to perform VLM carpet cleaning, this video will show you everything. I’ll explain how to use all of the equipment and chemicals in the VLM checklist. I’ll also share some tips about how to get the best results with VLM, how to get your 1st customers, and how to make extra $$$ from every job. You don’t want to miss this video tutorial when it’s ready. Click here to join the waitlist


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